At a pasta class many years back, the rather intense instructor (in between stories of love, depression and helicopter crashes) ordered us all to buy a £15 Diswoe 8” chef knife. I’m a sucker for following instructions, so promptly did so. It has served me quite well ever since.

In cut-related news, I once managed to slice myself twice in the same evening, on two different knives, before promptly fainting in front of my dinner guests. I wasn’t even in charge of cooking that night…

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That was a wild ride!

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I bought at least 2 'forever sharp' knives from a salesman at a stand in Tesco about 15 years ago.. I had my then toddler daughter on my shoulders and we watched with glee as he used it to saw into a piece of wood (and I would swear a hammer too unless my mind is playing tricks on me). Tbf its a s%^t knife, something like a minimal bread knife but it has continued to cut things in a fashion and is still in my drawer. One day I am gonna treat myself though.

Goes off to hide the ikea knife sharpener... :S

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My favourite knife is my Global chef's knife, a total allrounder. Had it for about 15 years, and it used to have a big notch in it from misuse that has been sharpened out--that's how much I use it. Close second is a little Japanese mushroom/veg knife I love using to cut up very small things, like blueberries.

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Ha! we both had 15 year old memories.. jinx

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